sometimes when i'm alone, i'm thinking what i have been done in the past..what i like and don't like..and i think my perspective on certain things and matters already changed..
before..i thought that..
- men is not handsome or smart enough when they have moustache..
- pink is too girlish for me..
- "oppa" is not suitable for me to call someone older than me..
- i never get along with fashions..
- i'm too sensitive when someone mentioned how fat i am..
- gave speech was an easy task to do..
- people will stick to their behaviour and never change..
now..i think that..
- men looks cool and some of them are hot with moustache but must be trimmed..
- pink is a bright colour and suitable for girls..=D
- now i love to call older men 'oppa' or 'abang'..lmao
- fashions really change someone's appearance!
- now i'm not sensitive anymore..even my friends call me 'mok'..XD
- giving a speech really make you nervous and sweat..
- people do change..just like M.E...hahaha