okie..it's already happen around 2-3 days..my mozilla and even my chrome..aish..they are making me pissed!..ok..like today, i'm downloading some stuff using chrome..and since suddenly the internet go hairwyre..i was..wth!..omg!..i'm reaching my limit..fine!..i stop..and all da downloads gone!
..and i have to download them again!..dammit!..so, decided to start all over again after my exams finish..maybe i will have an extra patience..since i dun have to think about other things else..lol..and this pc..it always hang!..this one is other thing that make me
..my c drive is full of pc programs..oftenly reminded that the drive should have some space..i've tried to move, transfer, or whatsoever files in that drive to other drive but it din worked!..i should have told my bro about this..
but after thinking a while..i thought maybe there's something behind all this thing..seems like this pc also knew that i'm having this freaking exam..so it wanted to let me study..haha..dun to addicted to it....then..fine!..i'm going to open those books tonite..hahaha..so guys, gonna miss u all ne~..=)..before i go..dun ever steal this guy..coz