credit: as tagged+sarang@blogspot

i know i'm totally late in posting this concert's news or pics..but who cares..haha..actually at 1st..i was totally lost and wondering when will their concert will start..then i went to soompi..dang!..it's today (2 days before)..so i waited for the pics and fancams..the 1st pic i saw was changmin who soaked in wet..haha..he's hot when sweating..*bricked*..ok then followed by other pictures..but i'm so pissed that my wireless so slow till wanna load one pic also very difficult..aigo~..photobucket really getting on my nerves..that's the reason why i dun wanna post concert pics at 1st place..then slowly after saving from one to another pics..i've about 175++ pics in my folder..lolx..*more to come*..ok..after that i went through all the pics..put jae as exceptional coz i definitely love him 1stly..haha..i totally love yunnie's looks..with the perfect side profile he has and spikey hair..*which i love every man to have hair like that*..totally blown me away..lol..followed by junsu..da hot grinding dance with the dancer make me 'wow-ed' n drools..hahahaha..smexy all the way!!..ohya..da kissing part between yunnie n dat girl totally fake..i mean..it's not the real one..so dun worry yunnie's wifeys out there..chunnie sang for me a song..sarang annyoung sarang..hahaha..he's totally someone whom a girl would die for just to hear him singing and play along with the piano..changmin..fine!..he killed me during crazy love song..hahaha..i dunnoe..he juz hot..hahaha..and dun forget about the gun part..i died before even get a shot from them..hahaha..producers!!..take them as the lead roles for assasins!..surely everyone willing to die in their hands..hahaha..fine..i'm crapping too much..till here...lol..