i dunnoe what is the suitable title for this post..anyway, i just wanted to dedicate this song for the boys and my cassies..it's in malay by the way..i really love this song..and i will just write a part of it which marks deeply in me..
sesegar hijau daunan
begitulah..kita diibaratkan..tiada siapa yang
bisa memisahkan kita..antara..
kita semua..
seerat simpulan..yang tidak terbuka..
seteguh langit tinggi..menongkah dunia..
kita mengharung badai..atas nama..
kasih insan bersaudara..
artist: nur kasih
title: akrab persahabatan
i really thought that bonds between cassiopeia is like this..=)
thanks to the boys coz able us to have such a close relationship..TVXQ!-jjang..