today is friday, right?..hehe..i just passed my 1st paper for my finals..seriously i'm so blurr out there..when i got the paper, as usual, i wrote down my name and other stuff and started answering..this part is funny..i think i have already read the instructions properly but my tiny brain just din get to process the one word since i did the last questions as whole..it instructed to answer only one question out of 3 but what have i done?..i rushed and everything was like in mess..i just hope that i'm able to pass this paper at least..i dun wanna repeat the same thing again for the past 2 years i have learnt..again and again..all about history..even i kinda like to read about ancient events but i don't like to full my head with facts that i cannot remember..aish..rushing is totally kills good score..T_T
regretting now is useless, isn't it?..fine, i'm aware of that..huhu..
hope to done well in this coming paper..*pray..pray*..
and to all my other friends who are taking papers in these few weeks, GOOD LUCK AND ALL THE BEST!..=)