today, i woke up early preparing to go to class around 7.30am..my morning class finished at 10am and i was free after that..then, syuhada and me planned to go to giant to grab some stuff..my other friend, nurul wanna followed along actually but there was misunderstanding occurred resulting in leaving her behind while she was in deep sleep..she said that she din wanna follow me to go to that supermarket few days back..i asked her umpteen times yet she still insisted of not going..i knew that few 1st answers she gave was jokingly said..so, i din count that few ones..and today, i asked her for the last time whether she wanna tag along or not..and the answer was still the same..ok, i took that as the final answer from her..around 1pm, while nurul was sleeping..syu and me were ready to ride on that rapid bus that will take us to giant..about half an hour later, umie (my other friend yet my housemate) gave us a call which happen that we were already on the bus that time, asked us why we din take nurul along with us..i was shocked coz before, she's the one who said din wanna follow us..the situation confused me a lil while..nurul is quite a sensitive girl..that is why, among my friends, she's the one that i care the most..once she sulks..susah nak pujuk lah..and that makes me always 'mengalah' with her..after syu and me reached giant. we actually 'sempat' ate KFC, paid my maxis, grab some skincare products and even did a mini shopping..haha..before we went home, i bought a set of KFC meal for nurul in order to cheer her up..luckily she want it..haha..
and i promise her that i must accompany her to giant for the next friday..aish..
p/s: when u need to be humorous..u can joke around but when come with things like this..sometimes, u juz need to take it a lil bit seriously..