i'm totally sad when watching this video..it touched me really deep down inside..i'm sure that u guys are alert of what is happening to our boys recently right?..well, they are only seeking for the truth..i'm not going to let them disbanding or going solo..i've already stick wif them like their entire career..from the end of december 2003 till now..they are like part of my life..and i hope they will be 5 for more years or can it last forever??..6-7 years with them is not enough for me..i wanna know them more..they are like drugs to me..addicted word is definitely right..cut the crap..DBSK definitely like the best representative for Asia right now!..SM should aware of this and suppose take a good care of this 'goldmines' for god sake..well, i just hope that things turn out to be fine after this and please no pressure on them later on..and as for my dearies..believe in me..what matter happens i'm going to support you..you guys are grown up now and mature enough to know what's the best for you..hwaiting babes!~..saranghaeyo~~