i'm so damn sad and i cried like mad yesterday..my 500gb external hardisk crash!..oh my~..that is my worst nightmare and fear all of this time and yesterday it happened..just imagine..thousands of vids in it lost just like that..waaaaa~~..i'm so lazy to download all over again..luckily there's a friend of mine who fancies kpop just like i do..but my pictures..they all gone..sob sob..i can't do anything unless to format the hardisk again..and there's another problem which is my external is hardly detected by computer..i dunnoe why..seriously i'm speechless and my anger towards my sisters yesterday really flaming..but to comfort myself i just said the vids and pics can recollect later and she promised me to download all the shows again..mirah, i keep ur promise, ok?..and as for this time..i want all HD ones...LOL..
p/s: to all external hard drive owners..be careful not to crash like mine..if it does..you just feel wanna hang yourself or slamming the thing on the floor hard..haha..
anyway, before i end..i'm fangirling much lately and totally adore this total fanboy of wonder girls..who else if not our.....

HEENIM!!!..lol..he got the girls' signature right after they made their first comeback on Music Bank..i'm anticipating for more wonderjunior interactions and can't wait for wonder girls family outing!!..=D