1. Name a person that you instantly smile when you see they're calling?
-my best friend, wanie!-
2. Is your current relationship status simple or complicated?
-haha..i think it's simple coz i've no one...-
3. Do people ever think you're older/younger than you actually are?
-usually older but if i'm with my lil sister they said i'm younger..hahaha-
4. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
-sure please...hahaha..-
5. Have you ever liked someone way older than you?
-yes..my dad..hahaha-
6. Have you talked to the person you like today?
-of course..i talk with my mom daily..hahaha-
7. What's the last thing to make you laugh?
-yesterday when we did that song trans together...i'm laughing hard sia..-
8. Are you wearing pants?
-no lah..not wearing anything..hahaha..of course ler..-
9. Do you think boys truly understand girls?
-well, not all of them do...-
10. How many people are you texting?
-right now?..no one..-
11. Will you be in bed within twenty minutes?
-haha..now it's morning..suppose to be awaken not beddie time..lol-
12. Who's the last person you saw in person?
-my mom...-
13. What is the last nonalcoholic beverage you had?
14. What's the reason behind your myspace display name?
-aizamia is my name and boojaejoong is my addiction..=)-
15. Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
-of course..most of my friends are like that..=)..-
16. Does the future scare you?
-sometimes..when i sit and think a bout it...-
17. Was it a boy or a girl to call you last?
-it's a girl of course..-
18. Are you threatened by another girl/boy when it comes to who you like?
19. How many letters are in your last name?
20. Are you happy right now?
-definitely but kinda stress coz of exams coming next week..huhu-
21. Do you clean when you’re upset?
-before yes but now..nope..lol-
22. Can you make brownies with out having to look at the directions?
23. Any plans for tomorrow?
24. Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings?
-sometimes i do..if i've reach my limit..-
25. What's on your mind right now?
-dong bang and jaejoong..lol..-
26. How have you felt today?
27. Does anyone hate you?
-i think so..well, they never tell me...haha..-
28. Anything you'd like to say to anyone?
-i love dong bang and i hate exams!-
29. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
-yeah..people make mistakes..if they dun deserve 2nd chance..how they wanna change to a better person, right?..=)
30. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
-dong bang banjun dramas and P.RAMLEE's movies..i've watched them more than 100 times i guess...hahaha
31. Best thing to eat for breakfast?
-nasi lemak and teh tarik!..best!..keke-
32. Is someone ignoring you?
-i dun think so..-
33. Are you keeping a big secret right now?
-not really a big secret it juz i'm not ready to say it to everybody..-
34. Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
-i talk to everyone....hehe-
35. How do you feel about that?
36. Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?
-usually night but it's not ggod coz you can damage ur lung..aish..
37. Do you always answer your phone?
-yeah..but not if my phone not by my side..-
38. How long can you go without your phone?
-pretty much long..coz i'm more to pc not phone..lol..-
39. Are you any good at math?
-i think so coz i've never failed to get an A in big exams..but not add maths..suckz at it..lol..-
40. How did your day go yesterday?
-tired and happy coz i got my a week holiday yesterday..lol-
41. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
-depends on my mood..lol-
42. Who was the last person that made you cry?
-my teachers..hahaha..-
43. Who or what can you blame for your mood today?
-csspf families...hahaha..-
44. Have you ever liked anyone that treated you like crap?
45. Will you be up before 8am tomorrow?
-i think so...-
46. Want something you can't have?
-yeah..i only can have him in my dream..lol-
47. Do you have a secret that you've never told ANYONE?
-nope..i let it out all..to my mom of course..hehe..-
48. Ever licked someone's cheek or forehead?
-hahahaha..this question is funny..yeah..my sisters..we are playing ok..haha
49. What's the last sporting event you watched?
50. Are you someone's best friend?
51. Are you jealous of anyone?
-yeap..we must feel jealous in order to achieve better than him..-
52. Do you hate anyone right now?
-hate?..nope..juz dislike..-
53. Tag anyone?
-definitely people who are reading this and in my lists..=)-
Friday, November 14, 2008
i love doing this~..lol
[VIDS][DBSK] 081110 Yunho @ YSMM Cuts P1-P3 (ENG SUBS)

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