ok..here i go..anybody knows what day is it?..it's a day when ukiss had their 1st fanmeeting in Malaysia..and what am i doing?..*sigh*..honestly, i really wanna go but it's just that i can't due to few reasons..and the biggest obstacle is one and only..my Mom..LOL..if let say i tell her that i wanna go, definitely she won't allow and forbid me from going..i can go out from Malacca only if i'm with families..i know..she just being too protective..well, moms usually worried more about daughters, right?...anyway, i'm happy that most of my friends were having fun with the boys..it's nice to hear those positive comments from them..the boys were being friendly and funny..what can i do?..only can imagine things from what i heard..not forget to thank my friends that still keep me in their mind..wanie and afie especially..wanie chagya..thanks for the poster and album..and as for afie..thanks for bringing my gift and present it to xander..i really appreciate it...^^
humans tend to feel jealous when the thing they wanted they didn't get instead other people did, right?..apply this to me at this moment..i seriously wanna meet these boys but it's a disappointed thing to be talked about right now..i'm glad that i'm working today so i didn't think about it much but i did after my friends gave me their call and told me what happened at the fanmeeting just now..U-Kiss...*sigh*..just hope that i can meet u guys in the future..maybe not in the nearest time but i'm sure we will one day...=D
p/s : i'm really and super tired coz i worked since last monday 8 hours non-stop and today was 13 hours..1 hour break and that is the only moment where i can sit down and relax my leg..now, i can't really feel them..haha..and seriously i feel like quitting but no way i'm gonna quit..every minute counts and it's money..ROFL..
and by the way, i cannot read through fanaccount about what happen..i will just feel a lil bit hurt..hehe..maybe i will when i get better...hahaha
till then....