thanks to xeera unnie for this award..unnie gives this award sincerely, right?..not coz i 'merajuk' kan?..haha..joking2..

this one is from her as well..hehe..well, she's a good unnie indeed..keke
Here the rules to accept the award:
1. Thank & link the person that gave you award.
2. Pass this award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3. Contact the bloggers and let them know they've won the award.
4. State 7 things about yourself
--> i'm a kpop lover especially dbsk..and super bias when come to jaejoong matters..haha..i'm a major cassie but minor in others..i have more than 1 guy i adore in each group of kpop..*smacked*..i love to live like this in another 10 or 20 years and grow old with them..haha..*future husband take attention to this one ok*..LOL
--> currently i'm learning how to make gifs..i'm not like others who already expert and mastered in this field..i'm still a beginner and practice makes perfect right?..gonna be really patient when doing this thingy..
--> i'm totally love..love and love blogging, forum-ing, facebook-ing, tweeting, blogwalking and explore new things on net and i hate broadband for being suckz..XDD
--> downloading kpop vids..one of my fav hobbies i can tell..i feel like wanna grab all those vids that available..hahaha..
--> show my passionate towards kpop to others..and i love to brag too ok..so bear with me..XDDDDD
--> i hate people that loves to annoy me..make me urrgghh..*shoo..go away*..
--> i love my fams no matter what happen..they are jjang!..ask me to choose between them and other important things..the answer is obvious..=)
The next award will be given to:
maskuto leong, ladyyoochun, wawa unnie, miemie and farra unnie