don't worry..it's not an announcement that i want to move site or quitting blog..it just that i want to say sorry to all my visitors..dun care lah whether at chatterbox or commentators..i have no time replying to each of you like i did before..it's all about the net again..huhu..to chibi, my dotty, rochee, jija, cho, sanchia, DBSKholic and others..thanks for dropping by..i really appreciate that you guys coming..aish..i really hope that my mom set up back the streamyx so that i can online unlimited..hoho..if such thing happen, definitely i will back on working..hehe..visiting to all of your territories and leave my foot print on your page..hahaha..so, just hope that miracle will happen..lol
if one time the line is ok and wanna cooperate with me..i will try to catch up with you guys..erm..i really miss kpop world..spazzing here and there talking about the kpop hotties and babes..hehe..
till then..
p/s: forgive me if i really dun keep in touch for a long time..i try to find you guys once my virtual life routine back on track..=)