credit: as tagged+soompi+sarang@blogspot

minho look so hot!..lol
at the 2nd pic, he look like Taebi..hehe..
credit: as tagged+soompi+sarang@blogspot
minho look so hot!..lol
at the 2nd pic, he look like Taebi..hehe..
credit: as tagged+soompi+sarang@blogspot
i dunnoe that harang, xiahki, viki and taepung are so big now..their fur is really nice!..i love yunho's taepung..hisberian husky breed..the fierce look!..lol..and cute mandong..haha..the magnae!..so small compare to other 4..and finally i can't wait for AADBSK 3RD SEASON!..THEY ARE FILMING THIS FOR THE UPCOMING all about dbsk!..hehe
aku bangun lambat bah hari ni..dah lah nak kena pergi johor for interview..kol 10 aku x gerak lagi dari rumah..kol 11 baru bertolak after mkn, mandi n bersolek-solek..tapi nak kena interview..make up kena average je..x leh lebih2..lol..
then dah sampai batu pahat..ayah stop sembahyang jumaat..ok..aku dah nervous nih..but my parents ask me to calm down by reciting istighfar and selawat..alhamdulillah..=)
ok..dah sampai pun ke uthm..lagi lah berdegup jantung aku..hahaha..aku enter je dalam bilik tuh..2 interviewers already waited for me..sorang tuh tuan haji..yang sorang lagi tuh biase je..tuan haji tuh yang mulakan dulu lah..mula2 he asked in malay..suruh lah dok intro myself..and know what..he asked me to teach them sejarah..hahaha..yelah..kan nak jadik cikgu..they wanna see how will i gonna teach the kids..he asked me to pick a history topic to be my teaching lesson today..hahaha..so i said..since i dari melaka..i picked sejarah melaka..so i cerita lah from parameswara bukak melaka till melaka merdeka lah..haha..
the interesting part comes in when another interviewer asked me that whether i like music or not..then he asked me who's ur fav artist?..then i said..my fav is from korea..so, finally he asked me to sing for him a korean song..do u guys know i picked geum se ma ri song from full house..they watched me like *blank*..hahaha..then he asked me to tell him where is the song from..so i said from a korean drama called full house..then i told him the storyline..he just smile then..lol
eventualy, tuan haji asked me to pick which is one is my fav colour..then i said pink or ala-ala merah lah..he said to me..patut lah ur baju kurung also ada pink..hahaha..
so, that's all for my unforgettable friday..my 1st ever interview day..lol