okie..i'm writing this after i talked with my csspf fams in the cbox..i got idea wanna write this yesterday while i wanna sleep..believe it or not..every day i will hug my big junsu pillow..i mean dolphin pillow not some kind of pillow dat has susu face on it..so i start to think..everything that i do, things around me will have something related to dong bang..
thinking about changmin when i'm washing the dishes..i think you guys know why..hahaha..
when i'm watching king fu, judo, wrestling or fighting movies..reminds me of yunnie..hahaha..
when i'm seeing people's hands..thinking about jaejoong..blame him for making me having this habit..hahaha..
i'm thinking about chunnie when i see playboy or romantic guys around..haha..no man can defeat his character of being sweet-talker..hahaha
and i sleep with susu every night!!!..feels like hugging him..haha..how happy am i..hahaha..