it's like the happiest moment for me since being in fandom world!..TVXQ!..our boys that we love the most already agreed to resume their activities as 5 again and still being under the label of SM entertainment!..that means there will be no more boycott thingy and no more headache bout lawsuit issue!!!..*throwing confetti*...yay!!!!..and cassies!..please patiently wait for their upcoming 5th album!..i can't wait!!
and another good news is C.N.Blue will debut tomorrow!..*as if today since i write this post around 4.30am...hoho..*..shin woo!!..hwaiting!!!!..and i'm glad dat all a.n.jell members will be at the same venue to support him..aww..reunion of the members..hehehe..
and the 3rd good news is super junior will launch their 4th album in the nearest time!..will they swipe the nation again like sorry sorry did?..we will see it later..hehehe..