few days back i've joined JYJ vid contest and apparently my vid was not selected and i guess i'm not among the lucky ones..well, my intention to do the vid was to show my support to the boys and i don't know i'm going to be this sad coz not being chosen..well, maybe i'm this sad coz they said the vids have been reviewed by the boys themselves..seriously, i'm not a good speaker and not someone who is good in front of the camera to do the talking..and know what..i took almost 4-5 hours to finish it..i deleted almost 30-40 vids just so it be perfect but it still has flaw since the audio is not so good..but still i encouraged myself to do it and finish it successfully..aish..i just suddenly feel this is the FIRST TIME i've been so down while being a Cassiopeia..but it's ok..not all the time we will be so lucky right?..i dun wanna think about it anymore and i have deleted the video as well..anyway, to JYJ n DBSK..i will still support u guys as i've promised myself to do it..will still always love and cherish u..^^
but i need time to cure my heart coz it has been like this...