ok..here i am again..writing most of my life story..haha..
anyway, just wanna share something here..wanna talk to somebody about it..erm, for me it's uncomfortable since the person that am gonna talk is someone who belongs in famous class..haha..later if talk about him with friends here..aish..nanti people call u perasan nia..haha..so better to express it by words..not speech..heheh
for the 1st time i saw him, the 'cute' word straight come across my mind..haha..i guess most of us felt the same way too..erm..he's one of our leaders here..well, like y'all know..leaders usually very popular and he's in that category..but who cares what post that he got..i juz know that he's adorable..hahaha..well, honestly, he's not handsome but there's something that make u wanna know him more and his aura is the most important that make him kind of irressistable..lol..his leadership really shines..when he stands for talking to public..he is so brave and at the other time..when he's socializing with people around him..you will feel his shy-ness..aish..the utmost thing that i like about him is when he smiles..*dies*..ohya, he knows driving too!..hahaha..and i would love to know who's the lucky one that will get the honour to sit beside him..*envy*..hahaha
this sunbae is really perfect..just say it..being a leader?..a friend?..a cute guy?..tall? sweet?..smart?..good looking?..he owns it all..gosh~..he has totally a good package..and when he talks..his words really make you smile..guess he gonna be a heartbreaker someday..lol..but believe me..he's not that type..through his face, u feel ensure that he's going to a be a loyal one..*wink*
next, he's taking the same course that i'm taking too..majoring in record management..he's my "pure" sunbae since we are in the same family..haha..he's already in 4th semester..glad to hear that coz will be able to see him in another 2 semester..hahaha..gonna stalk him totally..aish..he's the 2nd person am stalking right now beside our boys..hahaha..and u wanna know something..since one of my friends often seek him for advise by calling his number..kinda jealous bout that..hahaha..i wanna hear his voice too!..but as for me..i dun have any purpose to call him..aigo~..so, just wait day by day hoping to meet him accidentally..hahahaha..
idolize him is a great feeling for now..=)