okay..i've been worried for almost 2 days and finally the result was announced yesterday but sadly i can't go to school to take the slip..i just took it this morning wif one of my besties, hanisah..i dun expected this but what i get for my exam is history(A), economics i failed seriously..bahasa melayu(B+)and my pengajian am(B+)..i accept this..economics kinda disappoint me but history really cheered me up..haha..i thought it will be otherwise..when i was in lower 6 n upper 6..i never get an A for my history and never pass for B also i guess..haha..my teacher really shock nia..so, any suggestion on what course should i take after this??..maybe something wif history..law?..haha..maybe..my pointer just around 2.66 (pheww..at least pass for 2.5)..*i'm not satisfied actually*..aish..economics..*sigh*..