see the five guys up there?..guess you guys already know them right?..all kpop fans should be recognized this amazing group..it is super weird if you don't..anyway, in this post i would love to tell why i love the boys..people often ask me why i'm so into them..why not attracted to others just like i attracted to them..as for me..i will tell u why...
1. they can SING..

who doesn't agree with me?..no one right?..of course since DBSK is so famous about being so talented in singing since they themselves has the vocals..when they sing, i feel like the time has stops and let the world listens..their harmonization together is just so amazing..at one point i can confidently said they are the best out of the best and even can beat the world top singer now..=D..consists of wonderful soothing voice Jaejoong, amazing husky voice Junsu, ridiculous high-pitch Changmin, super unique voice Yoochun and awesome manly vocal Yunho..together they can create the best melody ever...^^
2. they can DANCE..

another talent that born with them..yes..it is dancing..ever watch how they dance?..you will melt and dies thousand times..one thing..till now i can't resist the hotness that they boys bring since they debuted..their pelvic thrust and hip wave..i can be dehydrated caused by drooling too much or sick due to severe nosebleeding..XDD..admit that other groups can dance well too but for me they are still the best..^^

no more to say..the boys always having behaviour that please people..in short..they own all those good qualities that should have in every person..seems hard to find any flaw in them..their passion in music amaze me much..their strong willing in getting through bad and hard times touched me to the core..their humbleness and innocence make me love them more..^^