i updated the second part of DBSK macros..as for this one..i'm posting the one that i think kinda funny and dose for you laughter..haha..part 3 is coming soon..all pictures are not mine..credited to the owner and again #tvxqmacros for sharing..^^
i watched harry potter like 2 days ago..it was exciting and fun but sad for me a lil bit since there will be no more harry potter sequel to be watched..sob sob sob..i'm gonna miss my trio much!!..i've been with them since the very first part of harry potter adventure story..it was 10 years ago..woah..time really flies fast huh..as i'm re-watching the first one of harry potter story..i came to realize that the trio really had grown up much..from three cute little kids to 3 matured beautiful people..i'm not gonna spazz much bout them since i know you guys feel the same way as i am..=D
did i ever mention that i'm dan-emma / harry-hermione shipper rather than ron-hermione or even harry-ginny...heheh...n honestly yeah..i have the syndrome of worshipping hero-heroine couple instead of like hero-2nd heroine or heroine-2nd hero..get what i mean?...hehehe...