A special prepared by 'Come to Play' for the current global era!
Two idols who are in the middle of Hallyu comes to 'Come to Play'!
Korean girl group's pridewho seized America!
Super Idol(Heechul, Leeteuk, Shindong, Donghae, Kyuhyun) who conquered Asia!
[Promotion of national prestige Guinness record]
President of Asian girls! Super Junior!
- The story about being photographed by a bodyguard and in the bathroom!!
- Concert ticket sold by a scalper! The highest price is?!
- Leeteuk! I'm a man who has gold! The story about receiving a present of a mic filled with gold!
Wonder Girls who seized America with cute+sexy!
- 'Nobody' used in the election campaign in Philippines
- Sohee, the story about being kissed by an American fan!
- Wonder Girls' new member Hyerim! Who treats her the best and the worst?
Nobody and Sorry Sorry dance which influenced prisoners!
Those funny videos revealed!
[Small room meeting!]
Korean's global idols Wonder Girls-Super Junior! The project to make the two group close!
Small meeting started with the intent to have fun! However, slowly some peculiar feeling starts to occur..
- Won't let go of a woman who he picked once!! Who's the one from Wonder Girls that Donghae picked?
- Ye Eun! The story about her first impression of Leeteuk being bad is?
- A meaningful text sent to Sunye! The writer of "Do you remember oppa" is?!
- Sohee! Bad boy Heechul! But I think he'll treat me nice!
Twist that exceeds the movie Six Sense!
Who will be the final Wonder Girls-Super Junior couple
that succeeded in proving themselves as a couple through a music program!on Monday night~
Source: Come to Play official website