today..after i finished work at 10pm..i rushed to GSC in dataran pahlawan..well, i worked at mahkota parade, so it's kinda near to the cinema..i watched with my families and we entered the cineplex around 10.30pm..i gave 3.75 stars out of 5 for this movie..woah, i can tell that this show is flooding with blood..the excited part came when RAIN appeared..everybody in the theater was like "oh my, it's RAIN!'..seriously, he is so freakin' hot in that film..with his 6 packs muscle..*faints*..ok, everyone seems excited with RAIN but i'm more excited with JOON(M-BLAQ)!!..he is so cute and his acting skill is really high praised..he is like the real version of YOUNG RAIN..you guys need to watch this movie..it's effin awesome..hope u guys do enjoy while watching this..=)
p/s: the kissing scene with JOON is really make me heartbroken..huhu..anyway, still love JOON n BI!..our ninja hwaiting!!..hehe..<3