credit: as tagged+allkpop+sarang@blogspot

this is so 'yi jeong' style

i love the hair!!..seriously..looking like a hot bad boy..hoho
credit: as tagged+allkpop+sarang@blogspot
this is so 'yi jeong' style
i love the hair!!..seriously..looking like a hot bad boy..hoho
in the middle of night..or should i say morning since when i'm writing this, it's already 4am..i'm still figuring out how to settle this html codes (i'm building a website) and the dateline is this thursday and i'm still here, staring on the screen like an idiotic..damn..i juz hope it can be finished soon..however, i still like to solve html..i really like this lesson since i love to customize pages on websites so html is nearly become my passion..hehe..i'm tired staring, dizzied coz of the coding, sleepy and my back is aching..aish..too many complaints huh..thought of continuing tomorrow..hope it's not too late to begin..and i'm pretty sure most of my friends are already done with this..honestly, i'm kinda a last minute student and this is all started from my laziness..haha..laziness really kills when the dateline is coming..you know what i mean?..when we are lazy, everything will be put on hold..it will just working when da work has to be submitted in nearest time..:p
luckily this week will be only 2 test..and i really worried about my final..how will it be then?..can i get a good result or otherwise?..the question and answer still wondering in my mind..aish..why human must have lazy character..haha..i know, that's one of the way that people can improve themselves..from lazy to hardworking and the result..the person will successful..coz hardworking is one of the key to success, right?..heheh..see?..i'm being silly again..the effect of working in the "middle of night"..haha..i think gonna pen off now..really feel sleepy and my eyes are hardly open..take care now..will blog again later..=)
p/s: i currently stalking MBLAQ, Rain's new boygroup..they are hotties..lee joon..he caught my eyes with his smiles..in their 'oh yeah' mv..so cute..*faints*..hoho..and SHINee new song Ring Ding Dong really made my day..such an adorable song..by the way, i really miss my boys, TVXQ..how r they doing?..great?..down?..happy?..sad??..i dunnoe..i just can hope from far..hwaiting boys..always keep the faith..=)
i returned home on last friday and just returned today, sunday..yesterday which on saturday, my sisters and i went to watch some movies..haha..that is our routine whenever we are going for an outing..along drove and truthfully, she improved a lot..heheh..we watched 2 stories which were "papadom" and "whiteout"..for "papadom", i gave 4 stars out of 5 and as for whiteout..maybe 3 will be enough..this is us..after watch a movie, we will rank them and from there directly tell others is it worth to watch it or not..anyway, i won't comment anything on whiteout but i just wanna say something after i watched "papadom" story..
it is a story about a father that being too protective over his daughter after the death of his wife..he doesn't want his daughter to face problems that daily appear in human life..he is there wif her daughter every single second and never let her go out of his sight..this habit continues even when his daughter step into Uni life..his daughter can't bear with it anymore where at the moment she's asking to her dad for not disturbing her in college until she finishes off her studies..her dad agrees but her dad does something that no one 'daddies' will do da same..he disguises as a gardener just to watch over his daughter..in short, as a daughter to a loving dad..i'm surely quite touched with the storyline..sacrifices of a guy that we call as a 'father'..
i love my dad for being nice to me most of the time..
i love my dad for giving me his advice..
i love my dad for caring about his daughters' feeling..
i love my dad for his love towards my mom and his families..
i love my dad for being such a great 'father'..
i love my dad for scolding us for our own good..
i love my dad for his understanding..
i love my dad for sacrificing his time for me..
i love my dad for his kindness..
i love my dad for his smiles to cheer up our day..
i love my dad for his high-tone voice when he speaks..
i love my dad for his willing to listen to every of my problem..
i love my dad for being someone that i can lean to his shoulder to cry on..
i love my dad for his character as the head of the family..
i love my dad for being there for me and therefore..
he catches me when i fall, hugs me when i'm sad, comforts me when i feel down, advise me when i do wrong, leads me when i'm lost, care for me when nobody does..THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, DAD..IT IS CERTAINLY AN UNCHANGED FEELING..LOVE YA!~..