ok..i was bored and thinking of visiting my friends' blog and i opened ashie's page..she made me teary when read about her post 'a tribute to cassiopiea-family'..the way she wrote about the members is simply made me touched..
CASSIOPEIA-FAMILY @ CSSPF maybe a weird or unfamiliar name for some people out there..but for me and the rest of the members..this name unites us all..once u registered..u will feel it's addictive..when u wanna go online..da 1st place u wanna open is csspf..it's unbelievable but yes..that's da fact..
from the admins to the normal members..they are very friendly and have that 'sisters or brothers' characters on their own way..elders gain respect and youngers receive so much love..seriously..really feels like family when you are familiar with that unnie, dongsaeng, yuh-dongsaeng, noona calls when u at csspf..the warmth atmosphere can be felt more when you are chatting and spazzing together in the shoutbox..now we call it joomun shoutbox..it came when hosh, tya, wawa unnie and me were talking this morning..they said..the shoutbox like has some kind of spell..haha..dat's y we decided to call it joomun shoutbox..haha..simply irresistable..=)
in csspf..everything you face together..like families..share tears and joy..good thing and bad thing..we never hide with each other..=)..
ohya..i love the new flag sign for staff..thanks vener..you really work hard..=)
to all admins, gmods, mods, translator, and the rest team..let us hwaiting to the end!..and make the forum site a better home for us..
my wish is..i hope DONG BANG can really come and visit us one day..and let them see how many people around the world has been united living under their love spell and angel wings..=) ..thanks to you guys..we have this family..=)