yes!..i'm pissing off over the issue that related to ki bum and xander ukiss..what i heard is truly ridiculous..they have been kicked out from ukiss just coz of lacking skills??!!..seriously wth??!..i detest NH Media for this..and before, their reason why xander and ki bum are leaving due to some personal problem..and recently just fans know that it's not the truth..ki bum being so upset and xander has stopped tweeting about ukiss's activities..it's really sad seriously..and to NH Media..don't give lame excuse just to cover and defense yourself from ukiss's fans when it's obviously you are the one who made both of them leave..and saying they have lacking skills, then why you made them debut at the first place, dammit!..that's why i called stupid..weak, low and lame reason..as to xander oppa and ki bum..hwaiting guys..there is a bright future waiting you ahead..even if you are not with ukiss members anymore, don't be upset and continue your fight..let that fella see your success and regret what they did to you..i love you guys and ukiss will never be the same again..