currently i'm following shinee new variety program, Hello Baby..
i guess u guys will regret if not watching this..they are super adorable..
and i think that they will become a good dads one day..their warm side is totally obvious in this show..yoo geun is so lucky to have them as his dads..da youngest dad is taemin of course..but yoogeun's closest dad is Minho!..and know what they are look alike..if minho with yoo geun together, people will say that minho is his real dad..XD
but in this show, onew tried to avoid yoo geun..he said that he got scared whenever he closes to yoogeun..that's weird for me..erm..maybe onew needs to work harder..onew-sshi~..children are the best thing that occur in someone's life..=)
i'm waiting for the 4th episode next week..
and thanks to PTAR's wireless..i able to download all the vids that i want with hq..hehehe..