finally i'm here again..aish..before i thought i miss everything puncak..maybe back at home i was forced to take the driving license and i was kinda frustrated bout that since i'm suckz in driving i can tell..huhu..but one thing for sure..i will not return home to take that again since i already pass the test..hahahha..the "miss" feeling to puncak is because of that..so after i pass..everything change..hoho..i miss my home again..one month is incredibly a short period..i worked as promoter to fill my leisure time n this time the payment is not as bad as before..heheh..my ptptn is not enough to support me till the end of this semester..*sigh*..need to be thrifty and bye bye to all those korean stuff..huhu..
i'm sorry for not updating and the net limits me to be online..huhu..
anyway, before i end..even it's only a 2nd semester but i already feel the pressure..it's not too hard but still i can feel it..huhu..himnae!
p/s: totally fall for charisma tae kyung, gentle shin woo, bright jeremy and innocent go mi nam..haha..definitely going to buy both ost and the story as well..heheh