hye everybody..seems that i miss to blog for quite some times ne~..blame my net that suckz then directly put me in no mood to blog..huhu..furthermore i dunnoe what to post..i can't upload most pics and kpop news..aish..if wanna tell bout my life..that's hella boring i guess..haha..i lead the same routine everyday..i wake up, go for class, wondering here and there seeking for berbuka and sahur dishes, go for terawih..and go to sleep and the same thing happen again for the next day..hahahaha..
i really longing for lepaking at forums and spazz with my fams..
hara, wawa unnie, farra unnie, dotties (winnie, chibi and totto), tya appa, mas, lynnie, rai, and others as well..sorry if i dun mention your name here..huhu..it's really a long list if i go on..i really miss you guys..huhu
hope that one day we can be like before again..=)