in my previous post..i stated that i already back right?..well, it's not really back since my wireless cannot be connected wif my lappie..i hafto online either in my faculty or library ict room or whatsoever place that have wireless..that is so tiresome to find that place..thanks to whoever that dropping by at my blog..i cannot online much juz like before..well, the signal strength is almost gone when i'm at here..not like home..of course it's not the same i know..anyway, i really miss the boys and since i cannot update about them is really sad thing..and i only knew changmin was sick before, right?..hope he's doing well in the future..changmin ah~..hwaiting ne~~..and someone asked me that yunnie was in malaysia before, is that right?..maybe somebody saw him at since they had concert in bangkok right?..well, maybe he paid a visit here a while..if that is true..i'm the happiest person to know..at least he knows that malaysia exist..hehe..and jaejoong..am wondering what he's doing right now?..ohya..one thing that i wanna inform..remember the 'cheer u up' smiley shirt?..i bought the shirt a day before i came here!..THAT'S TOTALLY LIKE A GIFT FOR ME..! for those who live in malaysia you guys can buy the item in giordano..it's around rm50..worth it to buy!..
ok i wanna out ady..please inform me anything about them..fine..call me desperate coz that's a fact..my dailydose almost gone..huhu..even i got my lappie yesterday but it's all the same thing..no new one..ok..how sad is that?..
and one more..promise it's the last thing!..
i wanna yell out and so pissed right now!..
where the hell is my documents??..huhu
there are so many important stuff inside there..
please return to me if you found it!..
it's a big brown envelope!..
for god sake..i really need those..
*how stupid am i leaving crucial things like that and i never notice about it till hours later* *sigh*
thanks for reading my crap and wasting your time :p
annyoung peeps..
i love and miss y'all..
especially to cassiopeia fams~..
and sorry to xiah-sshi, csspf, tvxqdreamer..
i cannot do my job as moderator for now..miahn~~