SPecial Message FRom TVXQ:*psst Onie for aiza sHI FROM csspf*
JAEjOong: ahh~~Tonyte we..all 5 of us gather HERE to give OUr Dearest FAN..aiza shi AKA MY booto give her OUR support Bcoz Tomoro her STPM result IS Comin out!!
Yunho: ah..ye ye~~so Aiza shi~~Dun worry ne..OpPa here will always Support you~~GAMBATEH nee~~Be Leader Just like me..hak3*BTW let JAE stay with me tonyte ne*YUNJAENESS~~
Junsu: Aiza shi~~Bambayaa~~Omo2..Mian2...i;m Out of topic ne Guys~~ so Aiza ahh~~FIGHTING OPPa noe u can Do it~~~*shake2 the duckie Butt*
Yoochun: Owh yeah..Looks who izit OUR Double J Girl eh~~AIza shi~~i heard about THE STPM thinggie IN Msia right..so THE result ToMoro~~ahh i already had the result with me~~*WTF is he talking*so DUN worry NE..sleep tight~2morO will be THE Joyfull DAY FOR YOU!!FIGHTING!!
Changmin: Aiza shii~~OMO I smeLL fish CUrry*OTHER 4 Mmber..CHAnGMin ahh~~~
* OH ok3..I'm out of topic like Junsu~~Aigo~~Aiza shii~~~i noe U r just AS SMART AS me~~i mean we r intelligent NE~~*not Like JAE hYUNG*JAE STARED
*..so GAMBA..GAMBATEH~~~U can do it~~
aiyer..tya really made my day sia..haha..i was laughing like hell when reading this..brighten up my moods back..thanks a lot ya appa..hehe..i'll hope my results really will be in flying colours and not forget to Ying Li who texted me through phone saying good luck to me also..i'm really glad she remembered me..=)..sorry ya dear..dun have credit to reply..huhu..