hi readers..it has been a long time since my last update huh..i'm kinda lazy wanna update anything right now..i don't know what to write and i don't know what to talk about..anyway, here is something i wanna rant today..of course it's about kpop..again..but this post is really ain't fun to read at all..if u want..then go ahead, ok..
well, you guys are aware that i'm so in love with kpop boy groups, right?..do you guys know that i have consider them as my big brothers and dongsaengs?..they are like a big families to me..first thing of all, i'm not that observant but this incident kinda obvious until all of us can notice it..
SME -H.O.T, Shinhwa, TVXQ!, Super Junior, SHINee
JYP -Wonder Girls, 2PM, 2AM
YG -Bigbang, 2NE1
DSP -ss501, KARA
do u know what is the different between them?..besides their popularity?..yes!..how the company treats them..!!
that is what i wanna emphasize today!..i really damn mad when TVXQ! experienced that lawsuit issue and when hankyung from SuJu face prob about his contract..
well it is true that i don't know what exactly had happened between them and the company but the fans themselves can judged..hey SME!..fans are not blind alright???..all the artists that been under YOU! will face problems in the future..it is so damn true that the ones who are under your label will get popular and everything but they will not last long!..just look what happen with H.O.T, Shinhwa and TVXQ!..now, SuJu is slowly getting problems..it is truly upset seeing them being mistreated..i'm so sad seeing the boys who gave their everything just to debut as artists gonna wasted just like that..but seriously, they are like debuting under the wrong label..and one thing i wanna say that..you are at great lost if you disband groups like TVXQ! and Super Junior or maybe SHINee in the future..yes!..it is true that you create them but they are the ones who get your company being well known too..everybody thinks it is a stupid action if whatever you do that makes you lost groups like them..
one question from me SME..what is the purpose you build your company huh?..besides being so kind saying it is for generate new talented artiste and stuff?..wants to gain profit right?..so, who are the ones that make you have all those million dollars in your pocket huh if it is not them??..
why i call it The-5-Year-Curse?..coz no boy bands will last more than 5 years under SME and succeed in releasing their 5th album..just see what happen to H.O.T, Shinhwa and TVXQ!..everything is so clear..
There is a "curse" in Korean bands(especially those formed by SM Entertainment),very few bands can last more than 5 years-------We call it "5 Years Curse".
-H.O.T,a popular five-member South Korean boy band formed in 1996,disbanded in 2001 with SME.
-In 2003 SME's 5-year contract ended,Shinhwa signed a new contract with a new record label.(Sad to say,their popularity was no longer as hot as before when they were under SME)
-S.E.S. ,a popular K-Pop girl group that signed with SME in 1997 and broke up at the end of 2002.
-TVXQ (formed in 2003) is still having lawsuit with SME.Lately,Avex has announced that TVXQ members can have solo activities only.In other words,they can't appear as TVXQ in Japan anymore.How about in Korea?Hero,Micky and Xiah refused to be back to SME.
seriously i'm so mad right now till i dunnoe what to write more..they already adults and have great brain to think!..anyway, i'm so sorry if there's anything that i write make you guys angry..i just tell what i think ok..no hard feelings..thanks..
till then..