Love at the first sight..
Do you believe it?..
Coz i DO!..
Here's how my story goes..
I saw him for the first time..
I can't take my eyes off him..
My heart beats fast..
Like it's going to burst out..
He never realizes it..
Even till now..
I want to tell him..
But i don't know how..
One day I get to know..
In his heart there's a love snow..
Not for me but for her..
And am bleeding to death..
A broken heart for sure..
Whenever our eyes met..
My heart hurts..
He noticed me change..
But he never care..
He never be mine..
I never be his..
Just pray to God..
That planned all this..
Give him happiness..
Take my sadness..
Wish him all the best..
and let stay as FRIENDS..
I love you..
I guess I truly do..
But what do i do..
Since am nobody to you..