sadly to announce here..i will not be active blogging until i'll be home during Chinese New Year which is like 2-3 weeks from now..keep on dropping by comments and follow me..i will drop by at your blog and follow u back when i'm home..don't worry..i won't miss out anybody..it happens coz like u guys already knew..BROADBAND SUCKZ!..and there's no wifi at my block..it's hard to open a site page..so it's kinda impossible to load some of heavy page..*sigh* ..btw, to my visitors..thanks for always dropping by and to my friends who never stops giving comments and brighten up my page..u guys are jjang!...^^
so, till then...see u guys later..seriously going to miss chatting wif y'all...^^
p/s: to whoever commenting in the cbox..i will say 'hi' back when net is not being so gay like this, okay?..i'm sorry..but don't worry..i'll be back..keke
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