seriously i love this vid..you guys should watch this..and since i'm a wondershinki supporter..i'm so happy!..lolx
seriously i love this vid..you guys should watch this..and since i'm a wondershinki supporter..i'm so happy!..lolx
credit: myluvfordbsk
well..i was stalking at dong bang forum juz now then suddenly i was shocked about an incident happen in the airport..their way to japan yesterday..it was chaos..i mean da site of course..*take a deep breath*..i was informed that changmin and junsu got hit by 2 anti chinese fans..*definitely these 2 scumbags are ruining chinese cassies names*..omg!..how dare you laid your bags to minnie, dammit!!!..you dun ever have the right to do that to him, you know!..ok..sorta angry when i knew about this..poor dearies of mine..and i read more..it said that the girls were angry coz of bathroom incident..they followed dong bang till the men restrooms..*duh~~..sengal lah budak2 nih, dah tau bilik air lelaki..bengap agaknya, otak letak kat lutut kot*..then of course if me were them gotta be angry too..from that they kinda unsatisfied lah..so, right now just hoping dong bang is alright..=)but top of all..they claimed they are joongie fans..alamak ai budak2 nih..nak pakai nama jae plak..hampeh~..DUN EVER INVOLVE HIS NAME IN THIS, WORMIES!!!!..pergh..memang baran je aku ni..kalau dapat budak dua ekor tu..kat situ jugak aku belasah..lantak ko arh..sape ko nak wat dieorg cam tu??..aish..agaknya..kalau aku terjumpa ke..x idup budak tuh..hahahaha..changmin hwaiting!..junsu hwaiting!..jaejoong hwaiting!.yunho hwaiting!..yoochun hwaiting!..=)
credit: as tagged+dnbn+sarang@blogspot