i dunnoe how to start...but today i'm just wanna say dat i'm so sad....
not from da morning since today i got school n i was very enjoy being at school along with my friends.....we laughed a lot n make havoc in class n chatter around...we share many stories together..even today quite tired coz got gotong-royong at school but after finished it, teachers were 'off-teaching' just for today...
after the school finished, i awaited for my dad to come n fetched me...about half an hour later, my dad came n besides him was my mom n my sis inside da car too....
when i wanna enter da car, there was another car from the opposite way dat came....the driver was hesitated whether he wanna continue his driving or let me enter da car 1st...i decided to enter 1st then only i let him through...but suddenly my dad scolded me n my mom too..i was a lil bit shocked..i was tired n all of a sudden i had been scolded...my good mood just fade away n i've been quiet all da way....then, we went to eat..at there, i just remain quiet n never talked at all..i guess my mom knows dat i was moody....when we returned home, i went up stairs, changed my clothes n sleep....
after that, i woke up n saw them were cleaning da living room...n i think my mood is okie d...i said to myself dat i was wrong too..*back to the car incident*..n i can see dat my mom like never talked to me at all n joking2 like always she does...then, my dad who did da cleaning asked me to sweep da floor....n at night, my sis n me had to hang da curtain....i can hear dat my mom like dun wanna answer my question dat i asked to her n she like been forced to answer that n she talked to me in high tone...aigo~~.....dat time really feel wanna cry...huhu
this make me asked myself....is it me da one in the wrong???....huhuhu....when i think about this...i'm very sad n i guess for the whole day, my mood is gone!!..no mood at all!!!.....
that's all for now...still, i feel hurt inside...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008


purple line is the latest single album of tohoshinki...
dis song is kinda catchy n they r very hot in this song!...
it will be released on 23rd of january in korea.....
Release Date: January 16, 2008
Language: Japanese
Genre: Pop/R&B/Dance
Artist: Male Group
Order a copy HERE or HERE
01 Purple Line
02 DEAD END -STY Gin n’ Toxic mix-
03 ZION -Zero G Remix-
04 Purple Line (Less Vocal)
05 DEAD END - STY Gin n’ Tonic mix - (Less Vocal)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
the introduction of dong bang hotties!!
okies...i just intro u da members of dong bang shin ki....it's from my own words n views.....getting know more about dong bang shin ki made me feel really close to them n like knowing them long time d....heheh....
this is kim jaejoong..the lead vocal in dong bang shin ki...his voice really makes people fall in love with him..his stage name is youngwoong jaejoong..youngwoong means hero in korea..as he wants to be the 'hero' in the entertainment industry....he has 8 drop dead gorgeous sisters..he's da youngest but in his biological family, he's da oldest...he's one of my hot babes now...haha...his birthdate is on january 26 1986...he likes to cook very much n he likes accessories too...he's actually a bit girlish but sumtimes he can melts girls heart too easily with his style n innocent looks...jaejoong has a birthmark on his left neck...n a tattoo behind his neck....jaejoong loves camwhoring..haha..
lastly, in dong bang shin ki, he acts like a responsible mother towards his family n he's so caring n sensitive with people around him...at 1st met, u will see him as cold-hearted person but after u know him, u will find him as very warm-hearted man n very soft inside...^^
this is jung yunho...he's da leader of dong bang shin ki...his stage name is u-know because when u say 'yunho' in a fast way, u will pronounce it like 'u-know'...hahaha...yunho was born on february 6 1986...n he attended class for vocal training like 4 years if i'm not mistaken...i think he's the one who is very 'manly' in this group..:p...he has the full package to be a singer..good voice, good in singing n everybody will surely fall on their knees when seeing this king of dancing starts to move his body...he has a very excellent skills in dancing.....he never disappoint us when being on stage....yunho is the oldest in the family too...yunho has the quality to be a leader...he's very caring of his members n one of the main things dat make cassiopeias love him is, yunho alwayz mind of other people's feelings...n d obvious thing dat i can see in him is he has a very high spirit when competing with other people....n proud of him when people praised him as the best leader ever!....dat's true...hahaha
this is kim junsu...his stage name is xiah junsu..he chose 'xiah' because of asia...'sia' is very close to 'xiah'..well, sort of...junsu was born on december 15 but because of his dad registered his name late, so, he's kinda younger 1 year than the others....what i can tell about him is, junsu is the mood maker in dong bang shin ki..he loves to laugh n his laugh makes other people burst into laughter also...haha..his laughter what we call as eu kyang kyang...junsu which means dolphin in korea is an excellent dancer too..his dancing skills has improved much n better than when his 1st debut...junsu has the charisma, hotness n cuteness....his voice makes u people cannot sleep at night n u all will wish him to sing for you like in everyday...hahaha..junsu really enjoys singing n being hyper on the stage...junsu also alwayz acts as he's very cool guy..*same wif jae*...aigo~~.....n junsu's parents own a pizza shop sumwhere in korea n his dad business now really successful with cassiopeias continuosly coming to the restaurant....^^
this is park yoochun..his stage name is micky yoochun n he was born on june 4th 1986...yoochun was raised in america along with his younger borther, ricky..yoochun is the last member that was chosen to be in dong bang shin ki...the choice was not a mistake at all....yoochun had been one of the famous guy in korea since he was debut together with other members...yoochun alwayz impressed other people with his voice n cuteness...until he had been called as 'the smiling angel of dong bang shin ki'..yoochun kinda famous among the cassiopeias because of the playboy attitude he has...dated many girls before n he likes sexy babes...hahaha...yoochun always will be upset when he tells people about his family....n yoochun is a really2 romantic person until girls will begging on their knees to hear love words from him....:p
this is shim changmin...his stage name is choikang changmin n was born on february 18th 1988..choikang means strongest in korea n dat's y his name sumtimes we call as max changmin..changmin is the youngest in the group but he's the tallest...changmin is also the oldest in the family n as in the dbsk, we know him as the most genius member....changmin had once became one of the best student in his year of study in secondary school...changmin had attended kyung hee university same as yoochun...changmin loves to play games with junsu at home n nowadays changmin really had grown up to be one of the hot guys alive..compare to his 'hug' days which had that innocent looks, now people starts falling in love with him because of his hotness :p.....changmin's voice is superb as he can sing in high-pitch n he does improve his dancing skills...n one more thing is..changmin really loves bananas n eat..wherever he goes..he surely fall in love with the food 1st..hahaha...

lastly, in dong bang shin ki, he acts like a responsible mother towards his family n he's so caring n sensitive with people around him...at 1st met, u will see him as cold-hearted person but after u know him, u will find him as very warm-hearted man n very soft inside...^^

my world is full with dong bang love!
Everyday or even every second...my life is full of happiness when i watch n listen to the songs of my favourite boyband, dong bang shin ki..i guess this group had given the world a very deep impact....especially to the girls...hahaha...they even have fanz among the guys...especially to whom interested in dancing....it's not new knowing dbsk also have fanz among da males...erm, what i can say about dbsk are they are very talented especially in dancing, singing, acting, modelling or in short...we call it perfectness....just say it...you can find it in a group called dong bang shin ki...truthfully, they have a full package to be in the entertainment industry....or let just say....THEY WERE BORN TO BE THE ENTERTAINER!!
dong bang shin ki or tong vfang xien qi consists of 5 members which
are uknow yunho, youngwoong jaejoong, micky yoochun, xiah junsu
and choikang changmin....in korea, they have been called as dbsk in
short or dbsg....as well as in japan, they are known as tohoshinki..
japan, they had considered dat country as their 2nd home after korea...
dbsk were debut in year 2003 n their 1st song entitled 'hug' had given korea a great impact...for 2-3 years in row, they had won daesang award which means d award was given to the best artiste n songs....this group was known as an acapella group at the 1st place but they developed as stars dat carries various genres of songs..they were also had talents in acting since they had been acted in short dramas or what korean-called as banjun...such as dangerous love, the unforgettable love, uninvited guests, 1st love, masked fencer, tokyo holidays, n finding lost time...their acting career never ends there after they acted in movies like vacation n dating on the earth...dbsk also appear in many cfs especially smart..school uniforms commercial..so, because of they have a tremendous achievements in the entertainment industry, makes them had da biggest fanbase in korea known as CASSIOPEIA...cassiopeia is what they use to call their fanz...directly, makes the fanz feel really special n close to them...finally, i hope that this group will last forever!!..

are uknow yunho, youngwoong jaejoong, micky yoochun, xiah junsu
and choikang changmin....in korea, they have been called as dbsk in
short or dbsg....as well as in japan, they are known as tohoshinki..
japan, they had considered dat country as their 2nd home after korea...
dbsk were debut in year 2003 n their 1st song entitled 'hug' had given korea a great impact...for 2-3 years in row, they had won daesang award which means d award was given to the best artiste n songs....this group was known as an acapella group at the 1st place but they developed as stars dat carries various genres of songs..they were also had talents in acting since they had been acted in short dramas or what korean-called as banjun...such as dangerous love, the unforgettable love, uninvited guests, 1st love, masked fencer, tokyo holidays, n finding lost time...their acting career never ends there after they acted in movies like vacation n dating on the earth...dbsk also appear in many cfs especially smart..school uniforms commercial..so, because of they have a tremendous achievements in the entertainment industry, makes them had da biggest fanbase in korea known as CASSIOPEIA...cassiopeia is what they use to call their fanz...directly, makes the fanz feel really special n close to them...finally, i hope that this group will last forever!!..
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