*wiping away all the spiderweb and clean off the dust*
hye there peeps..missing me?..haha..i know you do..it's already been err..a month?..0_o..sorry..it's just that i've no idea what to update and what to write..all the time am in college, i will always blame the internet of course..with the slowest internet line provided make me lazy wanna online ya know..this is one of the reasons why i burn midnight oil too..usually the line will be slightly ok during the dawn..huhu..
what i've been thinking..
assignment+lazy+no time+slowest internet line=no blog update *sigh*
that's why i often wait till i got home coz i'm using streamyx at home..hehe..so, it's a lil bit faster than college's..XDD
and now what am i doing??..i've got 8am class tomorrow and am still here..writing?..gotta be kidding me..well, this is me..short hours for night-sleep and continue with few hours of day-sleep later..hahaha..and ya know what..i've got a test tomorrow too..great..i haven't read even a single chapter yet..what am i thinking..able to answer without reading?..aish..laziness!!..stop conquering me!!..m(_ _)m
oh ya..lately my mood for korean drama is gone for a while *surely will come back soon*..and being replaced by watching hindustan movies..hahahaha..i love the old ones alright compare to the new ones..keke..i bet you guys are loving it too isn't it?..=D
what's u guys fav?..as for me..there are too many to be listed..but i hope i can know yours..^^
yaiks..it's already 4.30am....gotta go to bed now..scared i won't awake for morning class..haha..guys, wish me luck too in the
thanks for reading this hogwash entry..LMAO..see u guys soon ok...