shared by: aizamia@blogspot
with amigo as the song..i really love how she includes wg in here..oh my~~..blame on some LIGHTS that they pair SHINee with wg and seriously i never thought of these pairs before but after some time..i fall for them seriously..hahaha..especially 'o-ye' couple..hehehe..enjoy~~
Hello, I'm the maker of this video. sakuno93 in youtube and lildragongurl in almost everywhere! hahas!
I was bored and was searching for all my favourite Wonder___ hahahs! Then I happened to come across your post. It sure made me smile like an idiot. :)
You really fell for O-Ye pairing? They were the ones who made me went crazy hehe
this is my email. I just want to hear your opinions or you can go to my channel and post a comment. hahahas! :D
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